Mittwoch, 28. März 2012

Mexican prison.

Robbery and murder, these are the things I was afraid of when I travelled to Mexico. I was told about the high crime rate in this country. Therefore I was always paying attention on the streets at night. To be in a safe place to drink, I decided to stay in the office to enjoy one beer after a long working day. In the end no good idea.

I was accused of an offense. Eight police men, armed, entered my office and called the director of the house. Nobody talked to me, I was absolutely confused. I have realized the situation after handcuffs were put on. Afterwards I was led away to the police station. Fortunately I was put in the cell with two teenagers who were there because of a little grafitti. The other option seemed to be way more frightened to me.

After a few hours on the cold prison floor I was released and grabbed a taxi back home. Know I know the rules, and why some gents do not like the police. But worst of all, I could not even finish my beer.


My committed crime was: Drinking ONE beer in a public institution.

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