Montag, 19. März 2012

Casa Hogar de Córdoba.

My first weekend in Casa Hogar was a great experience. I spent a lot of time together with the children of the house. We were playing football, basketball and talked a lot. Sometimes it is hard for me to understand them properly. The pronunciation is different than those of adults. But slowly I get used to it. The kids get along with me very well. They even gave me a nickname. "Chino". No, not a Chinese but "Curly".

Besides the social work with the children, I am going to work in the office of Casa Hogar. I will try to raise funds and donations for the house by connecting with national and international organizations and local companies. Since I am going to work on my own in the office, the procedure is unknown. In the first two weeks I will have to explore the needs of the house and the local offerings.

I am going to upload some impressions of my time in Casa Hogar in the following weeks. A little insight into the children's world and life in an orphanage. For the next two months this will be my workplace and my home.

(Córdoba, Veracurz/ México/ 16.03.2012)

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