Montag, 20. Juni 2011

Public Domain.

Three screens, one movie. Random scene on which the action is shown from three different angles.
(Gâité Lyrique, Paris/ France/ 18.06.2011)

Board graphics about violence. One part of the agent provocateur section. Critical graphics about social and political topics.
(Gâité Lyrique, Paris/ France/ 18.06.2011)

Incredible screen made out of blank skateboards. Should fit into my living room.
(Gâité Lyrique, Paris/ France/ 18.06.2011)

Famous shot of Matt Mumford. Head injury at a bowl session.
(Gâité Lyrique, Paris/ France/ 18.06.2011)

The devil rides a skateboard.
(Gâité Lyrique, Paris/ France/ 18.06.2011)

Impressive. Reminded me about Ed Templeton's art works for Toy Machine.
(Gâité Lyrique, Paris/ France/ 18.06.2011)

The search for Animal Chin. Absolute classic. Have you seen him?
(Gâité Lyrique, Paris/ France/ 18.06.2011)

Three screens made to one.
(Gâité Lyrique, Paris/ France/ 18.06.2011) 

GIRL obstacles. Not painted but covered with skate clips projected on them.
(Gâité Lyrique, Paris/ France/ 18.06.2011)

One of the most fascinating quarters I have ever seen.
(Gâité Lyrique, Paris/ France/ 18.06.2011)

All you need is speed.
(Gâité Lyrique, Paris/ France/ 18.06.2011)

No, not a skateboard pentagram.
(Gâité Lyrique, Paris/ France/ 06.18.11)

Glowing cube with a nice shot on it.
(Gâité Lyrique, Paris/ France/ 06.18.11)

All impressions taken at the Public Domain exhibition in the Gâité Lyrique in Paris on the opening day. Unfortunately I couldn't make it to the skateable living room, due to an concert was played in that area.

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