Donnerstag, 14. November 2013

Donostia - San Sebastián.

"Ooooster..." I yelled at my friend Danny (aka Oster) througout the entire bus trip from Barcelona to San Sebastián. An unexpected budget cut for our stay was the reason for my complete bewilderment. 10€ for three days, no credit card, no ID. Well played mate... The plan to live like kings on this weekend was cancelled first hand. The bus ride itself was pretty rough, due to an all-nighter of partying before, and longer as we expected it. Nevertheless we were rewarded with an amazing view on the Basque scenery. Green hills, which rather reminded me of my native country than my of image of Spain. But soon we realised this is not Spain, this is the Basque Country.

The first impression of the city was very impressing. I guess it was the first time I've seen a proper sized river since I was living here. Moreover the tides mixed with it, so you could see surfable waves on a river. Well, for the ones who dare to ride them. Surfing is a big topic in San Sebastián. The rougher the weather, the better the waves. After checking in at our hostel we went out for a walk through the old city centre and to the beach of Zurriola, where we've seen some surfers searching for the perfect good night wave.

(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 01.11.2013)

(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 01.11.2013)
After a few beers in the slight rain we decided to leave the city centre to look for cheap food and drinks.  The square of this beautiful church is surrounded by bars and little restaurants.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 01.11.2013)
View from the bridge above the river Urumea.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 01.11.2013)
Saturday morning, fresh vegetables at the market.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 02.11.2013)
Morning view on the mouth of Urumea.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 02.11.2013)
People were surprised about the impact and height of the arriving waves. Some had an unintentional shower, some were asking for it. Like this boy, seconds before the impact.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 02.11.2013)
Run to the hills, run for your life.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 02.11.2013)

(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 02.11.2013)

View on the Bahia de la Concha and the Igueldo Lighthouse.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 02.11.2013)
Seaside view.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 02.11.2013)

Short break on the walking path up Mount Urgull.

(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 02.11.2013)
Old canons on the fortress of Mount Urgull. Besides a huge statue of Jesus Christ on the top of it, it contained a museum. We spent our afternoon learning something about the history of San Sebastián or Donostia as it is called, as well. About the occupancy of the French and the British and, last but not least, the remaining of the Basque language and culture within the city borders. A very bloody but interesting history lesson.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 02.11.2013)
View from the fortress above the city. On this day a football derby took place. Real Sociedad San Sebastián against CA Osasuna (5-0 if anyone is interested in the result). The visitor's chants could still be heard on the very top of the city. Surprisingly the supporters of both teams were sharing a beer or two on the streets and bars of the city.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 02.11.2013)
Honestly, I can't remember what this monument was meant for. But I recall a conversation about stoner rock and the decision to have the first beer of the day.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 02.11.2013)
This decision lead us pintxos bar. A great combination to have drink and to start the night. Super delicious and very typical for the Basque Country. This is the octopus version.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 02.11.2013)
Just a little part of the big variety of pintxos this bar has offered. Bad idea though to have them in the touristic part of San Sebastián. 14€ for four pieces and two tiny beers. At least, the taste was worth the price.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 02.11.2013)
Nice paintings of Donostia at Plaza Gipuzkoa.

(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 03.11.2013)
Met Don Quijote and his companion on the promenade. Way to go to fight the windmills.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 03.11.2013)
Not just surfing was big in San Sebastián but skim boarding, too. On this Sunday surfers and skim boarders of all levels crowded La Concha Beach.
(San Sebastián/ Basque Country/ 03.11.2013)
San Sebastián is a small but beautiful city with an impressive history. Its food, its lovely bars, its vibe are amazing. The townspeople are proud Basques but still hospitable folks. This is what helped us to enjoy the city to its fullest, even with a small budget. If you have the chance to travel there, go for it. But make sure to stay for a few days and start surfing.

P.S. Check out my tumblr for some more shots of our trip (

Freitag, 13. September 2013

Rubielos de Mora.

Out of the city to the rural area of Spain was the motto for this weekend trip. Even though I enjoyed every trip to Valencia - with all its folks, food and fiestas - it is a shame that apart from that I haven't been travelling around Spain more often. Therefore I was looking forward to see my destination: Rubielos de Mora.

Rubielos de Mora is a small town on the hilly countryside of Aragon. Generations ago people moved from the landward side to the big cities. In this case Zaragoza, Valencia or Barcelona were most likely. Being a rather sleepy village during the rest of the year, in summer it gets quite crowded. The families gather for vacations or at least one weekend. The most important one is held in mid-August, the medieval festival. Including traditional costums, parades, a market and a bull chase. Due to inexplicable circumstances I wasn't capable to document the beautiful atmosphere of the medieval festival. For that reason I will just show you some of my impressions of the town and its, temporarily, inhabitants.

 A kid preparing the beer counter before the weekend starts. Meanwhile his Uncle is doing his kind of preparation for the festivities.
(Rubielos de Mora, Aragon/ Spain/ 23.08.2013)
 Ok, at least one picture of the parades. The city is divided in different groups, the so called "peñas", which are almost similar to the "fallas" in Valencia. Each of the peña has their own costume, tradition and is responsible to care for an ambience of solemnity. This could be a BBQ, a bar or in this case a little parade.
(Rubielos de Mora, Aragon/ Spain/ 23.08.2013)
 One of the bars we spent most of our time, "El Romeral". Fried morcillas, salchichas and bacon for the late-night bocadillos. Greasy, solid and way too delicious. What was the name of this fabulous drink again?
(Rubielos de Mora, Aragon/ Spain/ 23.08.2013)
 The old church in town, Santa Maria la Mayor.
(Rubielos de Mora, Aragon/ Spain/ 23.08.2013)
 La Taberna. I was expecting some old fashioned cerveza, the brew of the knights, and I was not disappointed. At night this yet still calm place, turned into a mobile disco. I was kind of confused about the modern tunes. Still at the medieval festival or already at Gandia Shore?
(Rubielos de Mora, Aragon/ Spain/ 23.08.2013)
 Had to wonder off to discover the old village of Rubielos. Up on the hill it was really delightful. I got a brief impression of how life could be like in a quiet place like this. This feline friend was a little curious about my new hair cut.
(Rubielos de Mora, Aragon/ Spain/ 23.08.2013)
View on the church of Rubielos and a short break of the fiesta.
(Rubielos de Mora, Aragon/ Spain/ 23.08.2013)
 Ramón, one of the oldest friends of my Valencian flatmate Jorge. He's a good example of the people who live in the big cities and come back to their home town for summer. Unlike others who just spend their vacations, Ramón has to get a job done. He is in charge for the local swimming pool and most important for the bar that belongs to it. One lovely mate tapping a fresh beer. Cheers Ramón!
(Rubielos de Mora, Aragon/ Spain/ 23.08.2013)
Saturday afternoon in boiling heat. A perfect combination to have a sucking pig.

(Rubielos de Mora, Aragon/ Spain/ 24.08.2013)
The Cosa Nostra of Rubielos is enjoying a marvelous meal. Sucking pig, salads, pan and beer.
(Rubielos de Mora, Aragon/ Spain/ 24.08.2013)
Short glance on an abandoned alley on the Sunday morning.
(Rubielos de Mora, Aragon/ Spain/ 25.08.2013)
We officially missed the last part of the medieval market. Nevertheless I have had a great time in Rubielos. With all the Valencian friends, typical food and a little insight into the life of rural Spain. What a pity that I didn't get the chance to shoot some more photos. But I guess this means I have to return next year.
(Rubielos de Mora, Aragon/ Spain/ 25.08.2013)

Montag, 19. August 2013

Back in the game.

More than one year without writing down a single word. For some this would be a sign of boredom or the lack of lust to feed this blog. At least boredom is not the reason of this negligence. Maybe a certain event had to happen to rediscover the joy of updating the adventures of my life.

Almost exactly one year ago I moved from Nuremberg to Barcelona. In brief words this city is a dream. With all its beauty and all its ugly facades. I have met wonderful people in this stay. Even more, some of them I am more than happy to call my friends now. I say thank you to everyone who was sharing this time with me and made this city an incredible part of my history!

To retell all the memories of Barcelona and Spain it might take me another year. I will do so as a retrospective another day. Therefor I have to blame a certain laziness of mine. Let's just call it procrastination. The reason why I restart this blog is that I have rediscovered one love that has always been on my side but been overseen for a way too long time. This love is to write songs and to play my music on stage.

The improvised sessions, a friend convincing me to put more effort into it because he believes in me, summer vibes and last but not least a saddened heart were the reasons why Barcelona inspired me to compose new music. This might sound like a gracious farewell to the city but my time there has not yet come to an end.

I left Barcelona for a week, on the one hand to see my friends and home in Germany. On the other hand to play a concert in Munich. And there it was, the magic that I claimed to be lost. DIY equipment aka Kuhn-Mic, free drinks with friends, baguettes in strip clubs, wasted after hour and the most important part: people dancing and yelling to my stuff. How I missed this feeling. Not a promise as no one knows what will happen the other day, but from this point on, I want to be back in the game.

(Rockbox, Munich/ Germany/ 08.16.2013)

Freitag, 4. Mai 2012

Adiós niños.

Two months could be a long time. But it is short if you have had great companion. For almost two months Casa Hogar Córdoba was my workspace and beyond that my home. I really enjoyed to be together with the children. On my farewell I realized that I am not going to see most of them in the future. This made me sad. Some kids were asking me not to leave and hugged me as hard as they can. Others were annoyed that I was leaving their place and asked for the reasons. I was close to relief some tears but, hey, I am a man. Or one big boy. Maybe this is the reason why I have enjoyed the life in the orphanage. These are some impressions I have made in stay in Casa Hogar.

Sarah is a little brat. After this picture was shot she attacked me. On one hand she was always punching and shouting a lot. But on the other hand she was always around me. Asking me to carry her around, to play with her and not to leave her alone.

(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 30.03.2012)

Luis also known as "Gordo" was the big star of Casa Hogar. Every visitor liked to huge and take pictures with him. This boy is very energetic. Running around, escalating, throwing things. My mother said, that I used to be like that when I was a child.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 03.04.2012)
Sometimes animals were carried to the orphanage. But they did not stay for a long time. Zaira and Ana with "Oro". I could not remind his name because it was in Nahuatl. I just named in "Oro" as he was the golden dog.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 08.04.2012)
The "conejos" caught the attention of the children. But I guess that they have eaten the big one for dinner. I have not seen him on the next day.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 08.04.2012)
Little Gordo was a little worried about his new haircut. Everyone was asking me to cut my hair, too. I have made a compromise and used hair gel. For the first time in five years! I might look like a pimp now, but I think I will keep that style.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 10.04.2012)
Hmmm, I really like to cook babies. This was part of my education. When the children were behaving bad I took them to the kitchen, grabbed a knife, put their hands on the table and said: "Vamos a cortar tu mano!". I never cut any hand and, with a little shock, the kids have realized that they have to behave. It might sound cruel, but in the end the children knew that it was just a joke.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 11.04.2012)
Ok, I did not cook the baby. Jazmin was a really cute little thing. Sometimes we took a nap together. I named her "cochinito". She was given back to her mother after some weeks. Sad for the children and the nannies in Casa Hogar, but it might be better for her to grow up with her family.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 11.04.2012)
Marisol always wanted me to take photos of her. Her nature was very friendly. But on the same time she was very shy and reserved. One day she ran away with another girl who was new in Casa Hogar. They have said that Marisol has done it before. But she has always returned in a jiffy. For this time she did not return. Not just that she had run away, neither can she read nor write. I do not know what happened to her. Sadly, I can not expect the best things. The streets of Mexico can be very though.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 19.04.2012)
Ángel with the left overs of a piñata. He was mentally disabled and could not talk properly. But he is a child that enjoys every inch of life. As Ángel is a very devoted child he did not want me to leave him. "Amigo, migooo, Amigo. No te vayas!"
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 28.04.2012)
The 30th of April is the day of the children. On the right side you can side the biggest child of Casa Hogar in action.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 30.04.2012)
When Jonathan entered the place he was very shy. He got beaten up by his stepmother many times and his father just turned his head the other way. On the day of his presentation to Casa Hogar he carried an open wound on his head. Nevertheless this boy was a little rascal. He always pranked the other children  and excused himself with an face of a angel.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 30.04.2012)
Ice cream on the day of the children!
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 30.04.2012)
Piñatas were part of every celebration in the orphanage. I really loved to see the children beat them up. And secretly I wanted to punch the piñatas, too.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 30.04.2012)
This picture was taken on my farewell. Unfortunately not all of the children were around. Some were at school, some at work. I am planning to go back to Mexico and in particular to Córdoba. I will visit the children for one more time. For different reasons most of them will not be around then. Hopefully with a greater future.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 30.04.2012)

Dienstag, 24. April 2012

Puebla y Cholula.

Mexico is a gigantic country. Too big, to travel it in just two months. Especially when you have to work from Monday to Friday. Originally I wanted to sunbathe in Playa del Carmen, to dive in Tulum and to escalate in Cancun. But the beaches of this popular places are way too far away from my place in Veracruz. Domestic flights in Mexico are more expensive than flights from Germany to other European cities. I remember one trip to Stockholm for one day and just 12€. One further option is to travel by bus. This one is cheaper, but as Mexico is an enormous country in comparison to Germany, a trip to the beaches of Cancun would take 24 hours.

Nevertheless, I wanted to travel into a touristic city. Therefor I have chosen to spend one weekend in Puebla. Puebla meant for me Volkswagen and the place of construction of the last "Vocho"aka "Käfer". And yes, like in any other city in this Mexico you can see plenty of Vochos. However what has surprised me was that all the signs were translated in German at the main bus station.

The view out of my room. The hostel was located in the centre of Puebla. To "Zócalo", the place of the cathedral, it was just a five minutes walk.
(Puebla/ México/ 20.04.2012)
Cholula is the city of churches. It is said that there is one church for every day in the calendar. 365 churches? Impossible to see all in one day. This cross is located in front of "Santuario de la Virgen de los Remedios", a church which was built on top of the pyramid "Gran Pirámide", the biggest pyramid of Mesoamerica.
(Cholula/ México/ 21.04.2012)
The "Ardillas" reached everyone's attention. Mine as well. Yeah, squirrel!
(Cholula/  México/ 21.04.2012)
 "Convento de San Gabriel" is located downtown in Cholula.
(Cholula/ México/ 21.04.2012)
I have met Davide (left) and his wife Paola on the night before in the hostel. Despite the early wake up I joined their expedition, with Simon (centre), to Cholula. Unwilling to pay the high prices of the touristic bars close to the sights, we decided to look for a local cantina. One big "Michelada" for the boys from Italy, Austria and Germany.
(Cholula/ México/ 21.04.2012)
After the Michelada I felt kind of tipsy. But seen a boy on a skateboard on the streets in Cholula I asked him if I could do one trick. Fortunately I landed my Kickflip first try. Because right afterwards I reminded myself of this commercial of a pharmacy close to the spot.
(Cholula/ México/ 21.04.2012)
The cathedral of Puebla is a really impressing. Stunned by the architecture I spent almost an hour in front of it, just starring at it's façade.
(Puebla/ México/ 21.04.2012)
Preparation of my "Torta de Chorizo" in a small and very economic cantina downtown.
(Puebla/ México/ 21.04.2012)
The outcome. I think I am in love with Chorizo. And chipotles. But chipotles cause problems, always.
(Puebla/ México/ 21.04.2012)
Simon with a little hangover from the night before. With no beers left in the hostel, Simon and I decided to check out Pueblas nightlife.

After enjoying lots of "Caguamas" some locals asked us, if we want to go to another location. We said yes, on the condition that we wanted to stay in the centre. Heading to their car Simon asked: "Should we take the risk?", I replied: "Well, it is kind of rude if we say no now". After twenty minutes in the car we realized that we are not in the city centre, anymore. "What are we doing in Cholula?".

The locals were heading for a Salsa club. "Hey Christian, the entrance is really expensive, should we go?", "Well, it seems like we don't have any option". Neither the German nor the Austrian could dance Salsa. At least, we arrived in the hostel. Alive.
(Puebla/ México/ 22.04.2012)
No, it is not a Kebab. This is the meat for the "Tacos Arabe". Kind of Kebab, but no Kebab. I really miss my Kebabs in Germany. In the meantime tacos will do a great job! I had tacos almost every day in Mexico, and I still adore them.
(Puebla/ México/ 22.04.2012)
A glimpse on Popocatépetl. On this picture it can be seen clearly that this is an active vulcano. At the weekend of my trip to Puebla some villages were evacuated due to some warnings. Hopefully "Popo" will not explode on the next week. I am going to be in Mexico-City, which is right on the other side of it.
(Puebla/ México/ 22.04.2012)
Puebla and Cholula was interesting and I had a fun time with the backpackers. Cuidado!