Two months could be a long time. But it is short if you have had great companion. For almost two months Casa Hogar Córdoba was my workspace and beyond that my home. I really enjoyed to be together with the children. On my farewell I realized that I am not going to see most of them in the future. This made me sad. Some kids were asking me not to leave and hugged me as hard as they can. Others were annoyed that I was leaving their place and asked for the reasons. I was close to relief some tears but, hey, I am a man. Or one big boy. Maybe this is the reason why I have enjoyed the life in the orphanage. These are some impressions I have made in stay in Casa Hogar.
Sarah is a little brat. After this picture was shot she attacked me. On one hand she was always punching and shouting a lot. But on the other hand she was always around me. Asking me to carry her around, to play with her and not to leave her alone.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 30.03.2012) |
Luis also known as "Gordo" was the big star of Casa Hogar. Every visitor liked to huge and take pictures with him. This boy is very energetic. Running around, escalating, throwing things. My mother said, that I used to be like that when I was a child.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 03.04.2012) |
Sometimes animals were carried to the orphanage. But they did not stay for a long time. Zaira and Ana with "Oro". I could not remind his name because it was in Nahuatl. I just named in "Oro" as he was the golden dog.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 08.04.2012) |
The "conejos" caught the attention of the children. But I guess that they have eaten the big one for dinner. I have not seen him on the next day.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 08.04.2012) |
Little Gordo was a little worried about his new haircut. Everyone was asking me to cut my hair, too. I have made a compromise and used hair gel. For the first time in five years! I might look like a pimp now, but I think I will keep that style.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 10.04.2012) |
Hmmm, I really like to cook babies. This was part of my education. When the children were behaving bad I took them to the kitchen, grabbed a knife, put their hands on the table and said: "Vamos a cortar tu mano!". I never cut any hand and, with a little shock, the kids have realized that they have to behave. It might sound cruel, but in the end the children knew that it was just a joke.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 11.04.2012) |
Ok, I did not cook the baby. Jazmin was a really cute little thing. Sometimes we took a nap together. I named her "cochinito". She was given back to her mother after some weeks. Sad for the children and the nannies in Casa Hogar, but it might be better for her to grow up with her family.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 11.04.2012) |
Marisol always wanted me to take photos of her. Her nature was very friendly. But on the same time she was very shy and reserved. One day she ran away with another girl who was new in Casa Hogar. They have said that Marisol has done it before. But she has always returned in a jiffy. For this time she did not return. Not just that she had run away, neither can she read nor write. I do not know what happened to her. Sadly, I can not expect the best things. The streets of Mexico can be very though.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 19.04.2012) |
Ángel with the left overs of a piñata. He was mentally disabled and could not talk properly. But he is a child that enjoys every inch of life. As Ángel is a very devoted child he did not want me to leave him. "Amigo, migooo, Amigo. No te vayas!"
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 28.04.2012) |
The 30th of April is the day of the children. On the right side you can side the biggest child of Casa Hogar in action.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 30.04.2012) |
When Jonathan entered the place he was very shy. He got beaten up by his stepmother many times and his father just turned his head the other way. On the day of his presentation to Casa Hogar he carried an open wound on his head. Nevertheless this boy was a little rascal. He always pranked the other children and excused himself with an face of a angel.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 30.04.2012) |
Ice cream on the day of the children!
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 30.04.2012) |
Piñatas were part of every celebration in the orphanage. I really loved to see the children beat them up. And secretly I wanted to punch the piñatas, too.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 30.04.2012) |
This picture was taken on my farewell. Unfortunately not all of the children were around. Some were at school, some at work. I am planning to go back to Mexico and in particular to Córdoba. I will visit the children for one more time. For different reasons most of them will not be around then. Hopefully with a greater future.
(Córdoba, Veracruz/ México/ 30.04.2012) |